Monday, October 29, 2012

Kind of Excited... and kind of back!

Hey! I'm back. :)

Just in case you were wondering why I haven't been posting... or if you haven't been wondering, that's okay too *sigh... :D*... I have a reason that I wasn't writing! The reason is as follows. (It's a happy reason, by the way :D)

Just after my post on "Folding It", my friend Sara sent me an email... or was it Skype... I don't remember, we have had soooo much texting and emailing and skyping since then! Because she asked me in that correspondence (whatever the means was), if I would like to be a writer in a new fashion guide for female tournament attendees. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity! I was kind of amazed that she asked ME of all people to write a few articles in her lovely lovely book... I was like, SUCH a fan of her and Lauren's pamphlet from the year before on fashion... it helped me oh so very much in my search for the perfect outfit. Because believe it or not, I couldn't match polka dots with stripes before I read that pamphlet. ;)

So, after all that time and work... IT'S DONE!!!! The book is published, and you can buy it, or spread the word!

Book of Class

eBook (PDF), 175 Pages 
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Price: $9.99
Download immediately.
This comprehensive fashion guide teaches homeschool Speech & Debate students how to dress professionally, fashionably, and modestly within the official Stoa dress code. For girls ages 12-18. "This is a fantastic guide for those of us who feel completely lost when the wardrobe decision is anything other than, "blue jeans or sweatpants?" These ladies creatively present a handbook for cultivating a professional and fashionable appearance in a way that is simple and fun to digest. Each page is like reading advice from a trusted girl friend - I wish I'd had this book when I started competing." ~Mary York, Alumnus

Victoria Chapman and Karis are also writers in this book, but Lulu can only list so many. And besides, Sara and Lauren did the most of the work!
By the way, if you can, I really would appreciate it if you COULD spread the word about this. Because it's really really useful... I've read it through like, five times (not counting how many times I've read through my own articles) and girls can really benefit. I'd say, on a scale of 1-5 one being "It's Useful" and 5 being "It's Essential" This would be rated "10" but don't quote me :P Not to mention this won't be mentioned on the STOAbyte until next month, and tournaments are already popping up!!
My fav parts are for sure Lauren's makeup tutorials, Victoria's DIY's, and Sara's pics and input... oh, hey, that's the whole book. LOL!
Oh, so, I'm a published author now! Yay! Hey, Sara gave me permission to say that, so I can. Don't judge me, sister. ;)
Much love! I hope to write the next item on the "It" list soon, now that I'm free to write!
Until we write again,