Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Purer than gold

Taken by Steve Bucknell. All rights reserved.

Oh, for a muse of fire that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention! 

In other words, how I wish I could write so well... that the words could flow from my fingers to communicate the truths I have learned since I was a child to you. Oh that I were not such an unworthy tool in the hand of God! This pen focuses so much on the things that do not matter that the still small voice of God becomes drowned out by the sounds of today's media... but no, I will not blame distraction on something else. My own self control is my own. Today's media, today's this or that, will always be available-- I have but to choose what to look at and listen to. One is only a media slave by choice.

Oh that the eyes that burn into this page would light up with a recognition of the things written! Oh that my words would be a sea of comfort to your soul, that the cooling waters of peace would flow down and down into the depths of your soul!

In other words, I hope that for me, in writing this blog I will communicate comforting truths, and for you, that you would be reminded even when you think of just the title of this blog, that there is a Greater Bond. I will probably be the one who will need the reminder the most... to often I get caught up in the intricacies of relationships and events in the material world and completely ignore the One who sticks closer than a brother.

I am excited to start this blog! This is my first full-on blog just to myself-- and to tell the truth, I was surprised and happy when I was asked to start one. A blog had been at the back of my mind, but I had expected to ask my parents if I could. I was surprised when my mom asked me if I could start one! I prayed about it, then mom and I asked Dad, and here it is! And it's happy to see you.

I hope to see you all soon.
Greetings in the name of Christ!
Until we write again,


  1. Your mission has already been accomplshed for one person, me!!! Can't wait to read more!!

    1. Aw, thanks, girlfriend! Let the world tremble before us... now we both have blogs. What a world!!!!!

  2. But of course the Great Writers wrote about the important things, just as you do now from your own perspective! Congratulations dear; godspeed thy pen.
